An Ember that Blazes Forever– MAC Legal Intern Karola Castañeda-García Reflects on her Latinx Heritage

Karola Castañeda-García

Sonia Sotomayor said it best: “[t]he Latina in me is an ember that blazes forever.” Latinx Heritage Month is a time to celebrate our rich cultures, traditions, and history. I am proud to be Latina; I am proud of my heritage, which has shaped my identity and drives me in everything I do.

My family immigrated to the United States from Cuba when I was 6. I learned English with the help of my ESL teachers, by watching Dora the Explorer, and translating documents for my mom. Growing up, I recognized my mom’s hustle in working long hours, tirelessly, to provide for my siblings and me and doing so while never looking defeated.

Left to right: Karola in her kindergarten uniform; Karola with her mother when they first arrived to the United States; Karola celebrating her first birthday party in Cuba.

I have been extremely fortunate to have amazing educators that allowed me to appreciate the power of education and provided me with the guidance I needed to succeed. Yet, I wouldn’t be where I am now if it wasn’t for my mother’s persistent educational advocacy. I barely spoke a word of English when I was enrolled in second grade, and although teachers insisted I repeat first grade to strengthen my English skills and stay on course with my classmates, my mother knew I would thrive. Despite skepticism from teachers, by the end of the school year, I was excelling in English and outperforming my classmates.

I am now in my second year of law school at Northeastern University, and I’ve been granted the opportunity to work as a legal intern at MAC. To the parents I am now working with: I see how determined you are. Despite the challenges thrown at our communities, your perseverance in advocating for your children is truly inspiring. I am delighted to see how supportive parents are of one another and I feel incredibly privileged to be part of a community that continues to demonstrate resilience and strength.

Recognizing that legal advocacy is an incredibly powerful tool to eliminate societal inequities and create learning environments that are inclusive, safe, and supportive, we must continue to amplify the voices of the Latinx community. Happy National Latinx Heritage Month!