Housing Challenges That Affect People with ASD in Massachusetts
Draft Reasonable Accommodation Letter
Questions? Contact Johanne Pino at jpino@massadvocates.org
Posted in Autism, REAP, Special Education, Trauma and Learning
Tagged Coalitions, Resources, COVID-19, Mental Health

Disability Task Force: March Meeting
Resources to address needs during the pandemic
Questions? Contact Johanne Pino at jpino@massadvocates.org
Posted in Autism, REAP, Special Education, Trauma and Learning
Tagged Coalitions, Resources, COVID-19, Mental Health

The Disparate Impact of COVID-19 on Individuals with Disabilities of Color
Download Meeting Summary and Resources
The October 28th meeting will focus on the disparate impact of COVID-19 on individuals with disabilities of color, with a panel of speakers sharing their expertise and perspective about this important topic, and also discussing recommendations for providers, advocates, and policy makers to address the growing inequities.
Panel members include:
Finn Gardiner, Communications Specialist at the Lurie Institute for Disability Policy, Brandeis University
Roxann Harvey, MA, BCBA, LABA, Chair, Boston Special Education Parent Advisory Council
Yahaira Lopez, Founder, Autism Sprinter
Pam McKillop, Executive Co-Director of the Autism Alliance, a program of Advocates
We look forward to connecting with you on Thursday October 28, 2021.
Meeting resources will be posted here after the meeting takes place.
Contact Johanne Pino at jpino@massadvocates.org for questions and Zoom information.

Disability Task Force: June Meeting
AAC: Lessons Learned During COVID-19 (Kerry Davis, EdD, CCC/SLP)
Brief Overview: Covid-19, State and Federal Updates for Persons with IDD and Autism (The Arc of Massachusetts)
Presentation Slides: Yachad New England
The Impact of COVID and Implications for Post COVID Services (Dania Jekel, AANE)
Students with Disabilities: COVID-19 and Recovery (MAC)
Questions? Contact Johanne Pino at jpino@massadvocates.org

COVID-19 and Individuals with Disabilities: Updates
Meeting Recording
Can I stay with my family member in the hospital if they have a disability? Yes!
Blog post from Exceptional Lives
Massachusetts Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (MCDHH) COVID Card
Can be downloaded or mailed to those in need. Good for consumers to use when going into a medical situation to assist in immediate communications.
Help for people with disabilities who don’t know where to get a vaccine:
Contact Exceptional Lives by calling or texting 1-844-354-1212, or email info@exceptionallives.org
The Arc of Massachusetts: Advocacy
Bill priorities, COVID-19, and budget information
Legislative Priorities: Massachusetts Advocates for Children
MAC video series and FAQs on special education and COVID-19
FAQs on special education COVID-19 compensatory services
FAQs on school reopening guidance
2021 Boston ReelAbilities Festival (all virtual) - May 6-13
Meg Stone and IMPACT
Trainings and classes on exploitation of people with disabilities in the digital space - contact jkaiser@triangle-inc.org
Disability Task Force Resources (Rick Glassman)
Slides: Students with Disabilities - COVID-19 and Recovery (MAC)
Brief policy updates were presented regarding COVID-19 and the disability community, provided by:
Attorney Rick Glassman from Disability Law Center who spoke about: hospital visitation; Infection control in congregate settings; COVID related trends in employment, housing, public accommodations; abuse registry.
Maura Sullivan from the ARC of Massachusetts discussed: vaccines; DDS recovery budget; and listening sessions.
Attorney Julia Landau from the Massachusetts Advocates for Children addressed: expansion of in -person learning; remote learning; racial equity; compensatory services; turning 22; and recovery.
DTF members had the opportunity to post links and share resources from their organizations. Attendees also participated in small group discussions in break-out rooms to discuss the major COVID-19 and recovery concerns faced by their constituency.

COVID-19: Impact on Individuals with Disabilities Reopening of Schools and Adult Services
Download Meeting Summary and Resources
Disability Task Force (DTF) COVID-19 Zoom meeting
Experts will provide brief policy updates regarding COVID-19 and the disability community
We will invite streamlined check-ins, 2-3 minutes from each organization on the call: What are you currently doing with regard to the crisis, including resources you can share?
(Please select one representative from your organization to speak briefly.)
Be ready to post links to any resources you mention in the chat box.
if we have time at the end of the call, we will open it up for both spoken and chat discussion about our greatest concerns for the disability community regarding the pandemic and recovery.

COVID-19: Impact on Individuals with Disabilities
Speakers addressed primary concerns regarding COVID-19 and the disability community:
Attorney Rick Glassman from Disability Law Center- discussed COVID -19 issues related to infection control, congregate living, health care issues, accommodations, employment, and housing for individuals with disabilities.
Maura Sullivan from the ARC of Massachusetts focused on state budget advocacy and COVID-19 needs identified for the legislature and administration.
Attorney Julia Landau from Massachusetts Advocates for Children focused on education issues impacting students with disabilities during COVID-19.
In addition, DTF members presented a brief overview of their organization’s major activities and shared resources developed in response to the pandemic.

DMH Services & Initiatives
Meeting Summary and Resources:
The DTF meeting of January 30, 2020 focused on addressing the mental health needs of individuals with Autism and other developmental disabilities. Dr. Kathy Sanders, the Deputy Director and State Medical Director of the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health (DMH) provided a presentation highlighting the ways DMH is partnering with DDS to provide services to individuals with mental illness and autism, and also discussed meeting the needs of individuals with other developmental disabilities.
Dr. Sanders emphasized that as a result of the Autism Omnibus Law of 2014, adults can now be dually eligible for services from both DDS and DMH. The agencies developed a consent form that can be signed to allow sharing of information between the two agencies. Not all individuals with autism who have a mental illness will be eligible for DMH services. DDS and DMH are working together to provide specialized risk assessment and treatment planning consultation, including a dangerousness risk assessment for individuals with autism who have a mental illness. DDD and DMH are increasing coordination at the state and local level, and are gathering information to address gaps in services for this population. It is critically important to advocate for necessary services. For more detailed information, please review the slides developed by Dr. Sanders.
Services for Individuals with ASD and Mental Illness
Dr. Kathy Sanders, Deputy Commissioner & State Medical Director, Department of Mental Health
(8:30 for informal networking)
9am-11am meeting
Combined Jewish Philanthropies
126 High St. Boston
Speaker: Kathy Sanders MD., Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Mental Health
Topic: Dr. Sanders will discuss what services and initiatives are available to address the mental health needs of individuals with Autism and other developmental disabilities, as well as discuss the process of how to access the services.
We will provide time for Q&A, so please come prepared to ask questions/give examples that might help clarify how to access services for the clients you work with
A meeting summary and resources will be shared here after the meeting.

Social Media, Cyberbullying, and Mental Health
Meeting Summary and Resources:
Social Media, Cyberbullying, and Mental Health: A Comparison of Adolescents With and Without Disabilities
Ruderman Family Foundation
Asperger Profile and Mental Health
The Asperger/Autism Network (AANE)
Comorbidity of Asperger Syndrome and Mental Health Challenges: A Personal Story
Nomi Kaim, Self Advocate