Thank you for supporting MAC!
Starting a Facebook fundraiser on behalf of MAC is a great way to share your passion for education rights with the people in your life and to make a positive impact for children and youth across Massachusetts! This toolkit will help you get started.
Benefits of Facebook fundraisers:
They’re free: for you and for us. Facebook does not charge fees to set up fundraisers or process donations. That means 100% of donations made through your fundraiser go directly to supporting families through MAC.
They’re user friendly: for you and your supporters. Fundraisers only take a minute to set up, and supporters can make their secure donation directly through Facebook.
They’re impactful: Over 2 billion people worldwide use Facebook. When you share your fundraiser through Facebook, it has a ripple effect: your friends can share with their friends, and the number of potential MAC supporters is practically infinite!
They make a powerful statement: Creating a Facebook fundraiser lets your network know that you care about educational opportunity for children, and shows your solidarity for our cause. By being vocal about your support, you might find that some of your friends are also supporters - or would like to be.
They make important connections: Facebook fundraisers do more than raise money. They help get the word out about our services and how we can help families - you could help us reach families we might not otherwise reach!
How to Set up Your Fundraiser
Get started
Choose a goal amount and timeline
We recommend setting a goal between $500 - $1,000. You can always increase your goal later on!
If your fundraiser corresponds with an event, like your birthday, Giving Tuesday, or a holiday, we recommend starting the fundraiser a few weeks in advance and then ending it a few days later.
Choose a title and description
Personalize it! Think of how MAC has helped you or people you care about.
Feel free to use the sample text we’ve included below.
Choose a cover photo
Make it something eye-catching - you want something people will share!
Don’t have a personal photo to use? Feel free to use the sample cover photos below.
Share with friends
Once all your fields are filled out, click “create” and then “get started.”
Invite your friends to donate - consider sending personal messages through Facebook messenger, text, and email.
Add organizers to your fundraiser to enlist the help of others.
Consider setting a match amount to inspire your friends to give. You can set the match at any level you feel comfortable with.
Keep it going
Successful fundraisers don’t end after the initial setup.
Make sure your fundraiser is shared on your page and is made public so others can share it, too.
Check out the tips below for ideas of how to keep up the momentum with posts throughout the duration of your fundraiser.
Sample Text and Cover Photos
Help me support special education!
Massachusetts Advocates for Children helped to pass the first special education law in the country - making education a right, and not a privilege, for all children with disabilities. It also happens to be where I'm proud to volunteer.
We are trying to reach our end of the year fundraising goal, and any contribution will make an impact, whether you donate $5 or $500. Every little bit helps. Thank you for your support!
To learn more about MAC, visit
Support education rights
Through their Helpline, Massachusetts Advocates for Children provides legal advice and support for parents of children being bullied in school, unlawfully denied their special education supports, or discriminated against because of their race. MAC means a lot to me, and I would be so grateful if you helped me give back to MAC!
Every little bit helps.
To learn more about MAC, visit
Give back to MAC for my birthday
If you know me, you know education is something I care about deeply. MAC is such an important resource to so many parents. They inform parents about their rights to make sure every child has access to their right to an education.
MAC helped me learn about my rights so I could advocate for my child. It would mean so much to me if you helped me give back to support their mission and help other families like mine.
To learn more about MAC, visit
Tips for a Successful Facebook Fundraiser
Share widely!
Let people know they can support your fundraiser in multiple ways: by giving and by sharing with their networks. Facebook makes it easy - just click the “share” button. Once you’ve set up your fundraiser, consider sending personal messages to a few friends to ask them to chip in and help you get the ball rolling.
Make it personal
Your friends already know and trust you. Let them know what MAC means to you by sharing your personal story and photos. People will be more likely to give if they feel a connection to the cause - and they might be inspired to reach out to MAC or share their own story, too!
Update regularly
Keep up the momentum of your fundraiser - share a “halfway to our goal!” update, thank you messages to those who have given, and personal anecdotes of how MAC has helped you or people you know. Aim for at least one post per day during the duration of your fundraiser.
Offer something in return
Consider offering heartfelt video “thank you” message to supporters who help you reach milestones along the way - maybe your first 5 donors get a special video, or you post a video of yourself singing a song or telling a joke once you’ve made it halfway. Be creative and enlist your special talents!
Frequently Asked Questions
When will MAC receive the money from my fundraiser?
Donations made through Facebook are sent to MAC within two weeks of the donations being made.
Are Facebook donations private?
Facebook donations are only be seen by your friends if you choose to share them. Donation amounts are never shared.
MAC and the creator of the fundraiser will be able to see your donation even if you don't share it.
Does MAC receive donor information?
Donors have the option of keeping their donation private. If they do not select that option, MAC will receive their first name, last name, donation amount and email address.
Do donors receive receipts?
Yes. Facebook will automatically email a receipt to anyone who makes a donation. MAC also sends thank you messages to donors who opt to share their email or mailing address.
Are donations tax-deductible?
Yes. MAC is a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations to MAC are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
More questions? Email