Jennifer A. White

Education Staff Attorney

Jennifer White is an Education Staff Attorney at MAC. In this role, Jennifer convenes the Chapter 222 Student Discipline Coalition, a vital hub for advocacy to dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline. She also provides legal representation and participates in systemic advocacy in education matters related to special education, immigrant student rights, student discipline, and homelessness. Jennifer participates in statewide and regional coalitions with other legal services and community organizations to advance education equity.

Before joining MAC Jennifer was a Trial Attorney in Fall River’s Children and Family Law Division of CPCS. In this role, Jennifer represented families caught up in the family regulation system and children facing CRA petitions. In addition to time in court, she represented students in manifestation hearings, IEP team meetings, and in the school discipline appeals process. Jennifer also represented families in the DCF fair hearings process.

In addition to a JD, Jennifer has an MSW from Boston University. Before going to law school Jennifer worked with adolescent parents as the Program Director of the Framingham/Milford Healthy Families program. She was a member of the National Healthy Families America Accreditation panel. Jennifer also spent time in Southeastern Georgia helping communities develop child abuse prevention programs aimed at keeping families out of the family regulation system.