Michael Gregory, Esq.
Clinical Professor
Harvard Law School
Senior Attorney
Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative
(617) 998-0108 | mgregory@law.harvard.edu
Michael Gregory is Clinical Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, a Member of the Faculty at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and Managing Attorney at the Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative (TLPI), a joint program of MAC and Harvard Law School. Along with Susan Cole, Mike co-teaches Harvard’s Education Law Clinic, in which law students represent individual families of traumatized children in the special education system and participate in TLPI’s larger systemic advocacy to create trauma-sensitive schools. Mike has also taught courses in Education Law and Policy, Education Reform and School Culture, and Trauma, Race and the American Public School.
Mike is a co-author of TLPI’s landmark report and policy agenda Helping Traumatized Children Learn, and is also a co-author of Educational Rights of Children Affected by Homelessness and/or Domestic Violence, a manual for child advocates. In 2009, Mike and Susan were named Bellow Scholars by the Association of American Law Schools, in recognition of TLPI’s advocacy for Safe and Supportive Schools legislation in Massachusetts. In 2013, Mike was appointed by Gov. Deval Patrick to serve on the Families and Children Requiring Assistance Advisory Board, a statewide panel that will advise the Commonwealth on the implementation of the reformed CHINS law.
He received his J.D. from Harvard Law School in 2004, graduating cum laude. He graduated magna cum laude with a B.A. in American Civilization from Brown University in 1998, and received a Master of Arts in Teaching, also from Brown University, in 1999. Mike began his work for TLPI in 2004 upon receiving a Skadden Fellowship. He and his husband Matt live in Hyde Park and are the proud parents of Isabella.