Success Stories: Brian

Because of your support, I went to college.

Brian H. reading-2

Brian H. reading-2

Brian Signature

Brian Signature

Why college? Well, I have a lot of career ideas. Plus, I love to read and like seeing people I know from the community. In high school, I took a lot of classes. I had the same classes as my friends who did not have disabilities. I also have a lot of friends. One half of my friends do not have disabilities. The other half do have disabilities. I went to college after my senior year, just like my classmates. My best friend Ned went to college on the Cape and that was hard for me, too, because he was a year behind me. It was time to leave High School. My school district worked with Mass Bay Community College, so that I have been able to take a lot of classes . I also learned a big part of being independent and that is using public transportation. In September 2013, I started working at MAC as a fellow. I had a lot of fun getting to know my co-workers and officemates. After working at MAC, I got a new job working at the State House. 

Your support allows MAC to secure critical services for students as they transition to adult life. MAC successfully advocated for a new state program, Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment, for young adults ages 18-22 with disabilities, bringing public institutions of higher education together with school districts to enable the students to attend college courses in an inclusive manner, participate in campus life, and develop employment and independent living skills.

In addition, MAC created the innovative Young Adult Leaders Fellowship, which provides opportunities to learn the professional skills needed to advocate on behalf of other youth with disabilities.

Because of your support, students like Brian are afforded the opportunity to continue learning at the college level, and participate in meaningful job opportunities. Read more about Brian Heffernan on his website.

Thank you for your support.

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