Thank you for an incredible year!

Thank you for making a difference.

Every dollar you give to the Massachusetts Advocates for Children has a multiplier effect. Our unique and proven approach provides both personal impact and broad reach. While building strong coalitions and working with partners, we led the way to major change in the Commonwealth.

Please join our circle of caring community by donating, so we can continue as a voice for all children.

Below is a sample of victories from 2014 that we and our allies achieved:

  • Passage of the Autism Omnibus Law

  • Passage of the Safe and Supportive Schools Law and appointment to the new Safe and Supportive Schools Commission

  • Implementation of a new dual language school in East Boston

  • Over 80 students from around the state getting better services and supports because of our legal advocacy and case representation

  • Increased funding for Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment, a program enabling over 100 young adults with intellectual disabilities to attend college

  • Issuance by the state of the new Chapter 222 school discipline regulations that are designed to keep more students safely in school

  • Improved recruitment and hiring of teachers by the Boston Public Schools

  • MAC's advocacy helped secure a commitment to establish a Boston School Committee Task Force on Achievement and Opportunity Gaps to address disparities affecting students of color.

  • Over 10,000 downloads and purchases of Helping Traumatized Children Volumes I & II

  • Final revisions to the BPS Code of Conduct aligned with the new state regulations

  • Expansion of our innovative Youth Leaders Fellowship, providing young adults with intellectual disabilities or autism valuable employment and advocacy opportunities while also informing and enhancing MAC’s work

  • Response to nearly 1,000 Helpline calls and provision of training to over 1,000 parents, professional and youth