Advocacy Alert: Boston Superintendent Search

Community members and parents - Let your voice be heard!Who would you like to see as the next Superintendent for Boston Public Schools?

Share your thoughts on the School Committee Finalists The process is moving quickly, so do not delay. The Boston School Committee will vote for its selection at its meeting on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 6:00 PM at 26 Court Street.

Kim Janey, Senior Project Director of MAC’s Boston Public School Reform project, has been actively participating in the process, attending all the meetings, and serving on one of the interview panels.

The Superintendent choice is “the most important decision that faces us as a city.” Kim urges public participation and expressed concern about “including the voices of folks who can’t either attend in person or watch online,” as quoted in this WBUR story. She regularly attends Boston School Committee meetings for MAC and is a strong voice for parents and students who face barriers to educational opportunity and success.

For those unable to watch the live interviews, broadcast online, the applicants' applications are provided at this link on the Superintendent Search website.

You may view videos of the candidate interview forums at this linkKim Janey participated as a panelist for the interviews.

Today’s March 1 Boston Globe Metro Section also published a summary of all the candidate’s interviews.