Override Passes for AAC Devices Coverage

The Autism Center of MAC successfully advocated for an override of Governor Baker’s veto of a law requiring MassHealth to cover communication devices such as iPads and other tablets that are considered “nondedicated” for children who have autism, and fully implementing the promise of the Autism Omnibus Act.

Many thanks to Sen. L’Italien, Rep. Balser, and Rep. Khan for leading efforts on this override, along with important thanks for the leadership of House Speaker DeLeo, Senate President  Rosenberg, Ways and Means Chairs Rep. Dempsey and Sen. Spilka, and other key legislators.

Photo Left: Rep. Kay Khan; Julia Landau, Esq. of MAC; Rep. Ruth Balser

Photo Right: Erin Riley, Sen L'Italien's Legal Council & Legislative Director; Sen. Barbara L'Italien; Julia Landau, Esq. of MAC