MAC’s Budget Priorities for Fiscal Year 2019
For an overview of the budget process, see below.
Language Access in Schools: MAC is advocating for the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to create a Task Force to develop recommendations regarding the training and certification of interpreters in educational settings in order to improve language access for limited English proficient (LEP) parents.
Civil Legal Aid: Civil legal aid is a vital resource for low-income families facing civil legal issues related to housing, immigration, disability benefits, and other issues. Without this critical funding, civil legal aid programs are forced to turn away many low-income individuals and families seeking services.
Massachusetts Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment Initiative (MAICEI): MAICEI program increase college access for individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID) and autism. This program allows individuals with intellectual disabilities and/or autism who have not passed MCAS to participate in college classes and campus life with non-disabled peers.
Special Education Circuit Breaker: The Special Education Circuit Breaker account helps school districts defray the cost of providing legally required special education services and supports for students.
Safe and Supportive Schools: This critical funding, if included in the final budget, will support implementation of the Safe and Supportive Schools Framework statute, helping to create safe and supportive learning environments for all Massachusetts students.
Children’s Autism Medicaid Waiver: The waiver provides vital support for children with autism, including intensive in-home services (such as ABA and DIR/Floor Time) and other services that support children who are from low-income families in their homes and communities.