Lynn Public Schools 5483




Lynn Public Schools



IEP Implementation

Service: Transportation

Compensatory Services


(1) School stopped providing transportation to all students upon return to in-person school, including students with  transportation as a related service on IEP;

(2) District did not comply with structured learning time regulations



(1) District did not allow for the return of K-5 students with transportation as a related service to return to school for in-person learning due to lack of transportation;

(2) Students who did not receive transportation did not receive structured learning time as mandated by regulations

Corrective Action

District submitted corrective action  plan to address compensatory services for students denied transportation: Plan provides three extra hours of instruction each week during 21-22 school year by providing one hour for three days a week of additional instruction.  District will extend summer programming by 2 weeks to provide comp. services to the students.  District will contract with a staffing agency to ensure appropriately qualified staff will provide the additional hours of instruction and will work with families to determine student’s individual needs in calculating the appropriate comp. services.

District must submit data regarding number of elementary students unable to return to school full time on April 12; , plan to provide IEP transportation, develop plan to make up missed learning time; plan to make up missed structure learning time for students unable to return due to lack of transportation;  and develop individual compensatory plans for each affected student.  Mutually agreed upon plan must be created by 10/4/21 or DESE will create one.