Nashoba Regional 5017




Nashoba Regional



IEP Meeting




(1) District did not respond to IEE evaluation within ten day timeframe;

(2) IEPs during 2020-2021 school year were completed before Team meetings without parental input;

(3) District did not provide evaluation reports before 48 hours before team meetings due to COVID ;

(4) District did not provide a copy of proposed IEP within timeline; due to COVID

(5) District denied remote learning model to student due to lack of personnel and did not meet needed IEP services



(1) District did not respond within 10 day timeline;

(3) District completed proposed IEP outside of team meeting;

(4) District did not provide copies of IEP within timeline due to COVID closure


(2) District considered district data, parental concern statement, and student progress in creation of IEP;

(3) The IEP was created with existing evaluations and not with reevaluations that required delivery prior to meeting;

(5) School district met requirements to accommodate remote learning request and created learning plan that met IEP needs without personnel issue

Corrective Action

District must review timeline requirements for creating IEPs and create a tracking system related to timelines and naming responsible service providers and submit evidence of training to DESE.

District must send letter of assurance from director of special education that no IEPs will be issued to parents before IEP team meeting