Hamilton-Wenham Public Schools 5186




Hamilton-Wenham Public Schools



IEP Implementation


*Applies to all students, not special education specific

(1) District is not complying with emergency regulations regarding structured learning time-students are not getting required amount of synchronous instruction or tracking student progress;

(2) On remote-learning days, students were not provided with enough work to complete asynchronous learning time requirements;

(3) Student learning time for students decreased in 2020-2021 school year and did not meet requirements because it was fully asynchronous and independent;

(4) Curriculum contained content that presented stereotypes, biases, and demeaning generalizations based on gender, race, ethnicity, and religion.  District did not review the content to identify biases and did not provide supplemental material to provide a balance to the stereotypes presented



(1) While discrepancies in reported times exist, district met the synchronous learning time hours in accordance with the regulations;

(2) District demonstrated that they provided structured learning time that met the regulations;

(3) Update regulations did not require a set amount of synchronous learning time and district met all other regulations re: learning time



(4) District admits that due to COVID, teachers were unable to provide thorough review of instructional materials

Corrective Action

District must review requirements of reviewing instructional materials for stereotypes with building and program administrators and submit documentation of review to DESE

District must develop a policy and process to conduct a curriculum review if it finds deficiencies in its curriculum review process and report to DESE any deficiencies and corrective action plans, including staff responsible and procedures

All documentation must be sent to DESE by 7/14/21