Monomoy Regional School District 5640




Monomoy Regional School District





(1) District refused to honor continuation of IEP services when district found student ineligible and stated that student would not receive services unless parent signed 504 plan;

(2) District refused to consider IEE (neuropsych and educational assessment);

(3) District refused to agree to fund a requested IEE



(1) District continued to provide services for the 30 days from determination of ineligibility, continued to provide speech therapy through 504 plan,  and parent did not proceed to BSEA to dispute ineligibility finding;

(2) IEP meeting was held and notes indicate that IEE was reviewed and considered;

(3) Parent formally rescinded IEE request


DESE found that school’s OT, Speech, and Psych evaluation reports failed to meet the requirement of state regulations to define in detail the student’s needs and explicit means of meeting the student’s needs.

OT evaluation concluded that “Occupational Therapy services will be determined at the time of…meeting” and speech evaluation stated “The team should determine how to best meet [the student’s] educational needs”. Psych evaluation concluded “Psychology eligibility for special education services and recommendations with regard to…education program will be discussed at the upcoming team meeting”

Corrective Action

Review with staff the requirements for completing evaluations and the contents required in evaluation reports; submit documentation to DESE

After training, conduct a student record review of evaluation reports completed for at least 3 students, review and determine corrective action necessary’ report results to DESE