Weston Public Schools 5522




Weston Public Schools







(1) District did not complete age-appropriate transition assessments. thus the IEP failed to provide FAPE;

(2) District did not notify BSEA of rejected IEP within 5 days;

(3) District did not provide copies of evaluations 2 days prior to IEP team meeting as requested;

(4) District did not complete education assessment and transition assessment within required timelines;

(5) District did not provide parents with 2 copies of IEP and placement after IEP Team meeting;

(6) District did not provide required notice immediately after IEP Team Meeting;

(7) District did not provide prior written notice when it refused to complete requested evaluation and independent evaluation;

(8) District did not respond consistent with federal and state regulations with it refused to act upon IEE request



(1) IEP was accepted in full by parents and included evaluations, parent and student input to develop a comprehensive IEP , along with transition planning form that addressed goals related to transition


(2) District acknowledges that it did not appropriately alert BSEA of IEP rejection (one year later) and proposed staff training which DESE accepts in full as corrective action;

(3) District did not provide copies of evaluation summaries 2 days prior to IEP Team meeting;

(4) District did not complete all of the consented-to evaluations within required timeline;

(6) District did not send a team summary after the Zoom team meeting;

(7 and 8) District response to evaluation request did not occur within a reasonable time or without unnecessary delay and did not address parent’s request for additional assessment

No Finding:

(5) Neither the district nor parent provided enough information for DESE to determine if parents were provided copies of proposed IEP

Corrective Action

District must develop procedures for staff when parent requests assessments on an evaluation consent form or attaches a request to an evaluation consent form.  Must provide copy and name of responsible parties for ensuring implementation to DESE

District must provide training to staff re: when a parent requests assessments on an evaluation consent form or attached a request to an evaluation consent form.  Must provide documentation to DESE

District must provide written notice re: request for specific written language evaluations and provide copy of notice to DESE

District must provide training to staff re: evaluation timelines and providing summaries prior to team meetings, including federal notice requirements.  Must provide documentation to DESE

Once prior steps are complete, district must examine a review and sample of 4 initial evaluations or re-evaluations to ensure compliance and provide documentationof review to DESE.