Boston Public Schools 5999




Boston Public Schools






Services: ESY



1) District did not provide Extended School Year (ESY) services for the summer of 2021 even though student was eligible.

2) District failed to provide instruction in student’s primary language and assign an educational interpreter. Parent is also concerned about the appropriateness of the instruction given and the level of curriculum work given during the Home-Hospital Tutoring Program.

3) District failed to timely respond to parent’s request for a Team meeting.





1) District acknowledged the failure to provide special education and related services for ESY. Despite medical authorization for home/hospital services (due to medical needs, hospitalizations), district did not provide services for SY21-22, resulting in a violation of a free and appropriate public education.

2) District acknowledged the failure to provide interpreting services, a related service in the IEP.

3) District responded to parent’s meeting request several weeks post request without providing written notice explaining the failure to respond in a timely manner.

Corrective Action

District must convene the Team to develop and implement a compensatory services plan by 11/30 and, if unable to do so, district and parent must submit their proposals for DESE to develop a plan.

District must develop a comprehensive plan to ensure the prompt provision of all educational services during student’s home or hospital stays by Nov 30.

District must contract an interpreter to facilitate student’s educational and related services.


District must submit a plan to track and respond to requests for Team meetings within 5 days of receipt of request, and identify person(s) responsible for implementing this plan.  Include back-up staff who will respond to parent requests during summer months or in the event of staff departures.