Northampton 5507




Northampton Public Schools







Services: speech, reading


1) District failed to timely convene the Team to review an independent educational evaluation (IEE).

2) District failed to timely provide a copy of the IEP following the Team meeting.

3) District did not implement student’s IEP during SY20-21 as they did not provide the required reading supports or speech services per the IEP and did not develop a Special Education Learning Plan (SELP) describing how services would be delivered in a remote setting. Parent later amended the complaint, accepting the district’s offered compensatory speech sessions.

4) Student’s IEP is not reasonably calculated to meet their needs because it does not adequate evidence-based services to address dyslexia. Parent later amended the complaint and acknowledged that district provided an at-home reading tutor which has assisted with student’s dyslexia. However, the service is not in the IEP grid, will not last the duration of the IEP, and does not address lack of supports for SY20-21.

*DESE did not investigate allegations that occurred over a year ago.



1) District acknowledges noncompliance as they did not timely meet to review the IEE.

2) District acknowledges noncompliance as they did not timely provide a copy of the proposed Amendment or a meeting summary following the Team meeting.


3) District provided sufficient compensatory services for speech and addressed any missed reading services by providing a tutor for spring, summer, and fall of 2021.

Unable to determine:

4) DESE is unable to make a determination about the adequacy of the existing IEP as the parent and district disagree on the matter. Although district has made consistent efforts to address the parent’s concerns including mediation, facilitated IEP meeting, and changing schools, parent believes the IEP does not provide adequate support.

Corrective Action

District must conduct a training for special education personnel regarding requirements for reviewing IEE and timelines for providing copies of the IEP.

District must send DESE documentation of the training, the meeting invitation to review student’s IEE, and the notice of proposed IEP by 12/3/21.